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首页 > Hosting > 1GB/100GB/PHP/CP/Reseller/Domain/wehostlove.com



Wehostlove.com provides:Free Shared and Reseller Hosting with cPanel
1 GB Disk Space
100 GB Bandwidth
100 E Mails, Database, Sub-Domains, Addon Domains
cPanel Hosting
No Advertisements
Up gradable to Premium hosting
Great Community Support (though its not post2host)
Instant Activation
Use your own domain our our sub-domain
1000Mbps Internet Connection
Regular backups for all accounts
Support PHP, MYSQL, Zend Optimizer

Signup For Shared Hosting Here!
Signup For Reseller Hosting Here!
*Reseller Accounts may take upto 24 hours for setup after a manual review by us.

分类: Hosting 标签: