首页 > Hosting > 10GB/100GB/PHP/CP/Domain/rlshosting.com



We will offer you the Bronze Hosting plan for free for life for exchange of an honest review. All you do is post a review on our forums when a week is up or your hosting will be revoked. The reviews must be honest and sincere. You must use your real information when you sign up and no proxies. You must pass the fraud checks. No high risk information. You must register. You cannot request hosting by using this thread or PMing us.

All you do is order the Bronze Plan on our website and submit a ticket afterwards. We’ll mark the invoice as paid and change the plan to free for life. You must host an actual website and not use it for file hosting or abusive purposes. If not, we’ll revoke your web hosting indefinitely. You can contact us to change your domain name for free. We do check our servers quite a lot for bad behavior.
Bronze Hosting
10 GB of Space
100 GB of Bandwidth
Unlimited Features
Ioncube, Zend, Source Guardian Loaders
Softaculous Premium Auto Installer
and Much More!


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