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首页 > Hosting > Unlimited/Unlimited/PHPKloxo/Domain/mitihost.com



We are a new COMPLETELY FREE website host and unlike many other free website hosts, we are different in the following ways:
* We care for the environment and in order to do this we turn our servers off when they are not needed (ie. when they have no clients), keep our server loads as low as possible and use bandwidth minimizing website software for our own website.
* We only offer FREE services. We will never sell any products or services.
* We use Kloxo not only because it’s free but it’s very powerful and allows us to use the money we save from licensing costs to offer the best server power to our users.
* We have a friendly community.
* We will never advertise on your website/s.
* We are not a post for hosting or paid hosting company. Our services are completely 100% free.
* We aim for 100% uptime, not 99.9%
* We own our own servers
* We own multiple servers to spread load
* We offer TRULY unlimited space and bandwidth. When we need more, we purchase more. Simple!
* And MUCH more!

Our managers have a lot of experience in successful website hosting companies and we plan to make MitiHost one of the world’s best and ethical website hosting companies.
We are offering Unlimited Space, Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Features on a Kloxo CP server running Lighttpd.
Unlimited Disk space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Features
Kloxo Control Panel
100% Completely FREE!
Absolutely no Advertisements!

To sign up: http://www.mitihost.com/sign-up.php
We look forwards to offering you unbeatable FREE hosting!

分类: Hosting 标签: